David Bird, Barbara Joynt
The Seven Year Itch, a comedy by George Axelrod. Our itch opened our fifth season in fine form, with a tour-de-force and very good houses. Sean Jacklin made his stage debut, David Bird was wonderfully New York and Barb Joynt out-Marilyn'd Marilyn. Cast: Richard Sherman: David Bird; Helen Sherman: Susan Code; Rickie: Sean Jacklin; Elaine: Joanne Oatway; Marie Whatever-Her-Name-Was: Janice Reid; Doctor Brubaker: Bob Sneyd; The Girl: Barbara Joynt; Tom: Tim Hannah. October 1999.
Richard Davidson as Willy
The Gifts of the Magi. A moving, sensitive, often comic and always marvellously musical show. Our production moved nonstop through a dozen musical numbers that left the audience and sometimes the actors breathless. If you were one of the lucky few who took a chance on something "different" you were well rewarded for your courage. If not, you should try it, next time. It doesn't hurt, honest. Directed by Janice Jacklin. Willy: Richard Davidson; Jim: Peter Coon; Della: Helen Rutledge; City Her: Lin Jechel; City Him: David Jacklin; Soapy: Ken Rutledge; Music: Brenda Waugh with Joe and Barb Martin and Jim Bailey. December 1999
A Flea In Her Ear, by George Feydeau. Ah-ha! It's slamming doors and dropped pants you want! Well, Flea supplied that in spades. One patron remarked, at the second intermission, that she didn't think it was possible for anyone to top the insane hilarity of Act Two; after Act Three, she said simply, "They did!" After Flea, BDP is well on its way to its best box office season ever. Camille Chandebise: Ryan Aunger; Antoinette Plucheux: Roseanne LePage; Etienne Plucheux: Bob Sneyd; Dr. Finache: Peter Graham; Lucienne Homenides De Histangua: Susan Code; Raymonde Chandebise: Kathie Reid; Victor Emmanuel Chandebise: Robert Del Grande; Romain Tournel: Jamie Schoular; Carlos Homenides De Histangua: Garry Welsh; Eugenie: Charlotte Argue; Augustin Feraillon: Richard Pitcher; Olympe: Bonnie Walther; Baptistin: Ken Eccles; Herr Schwarz: Ron Barter; Poche: Robert Del Grande.February - March, 2000.
Rick Wood as Sebastian, Tegan Healey as Miranda
Tempest, by William
Shakespeare. Our fifth Shakespeare In The
Garden was possibly our best ever. Magic on every level. What solid performances;
marvellous music; the gardens never more beautiful; an
exciting set; glorious costumes. However, threatening rain
kept audiences to very disappointing levels -- nobody trusts
us that it never rains on Shakespeare. Here's the track
record: 5 productions; 31 performances; 18 dress rehearsals;
0 rainouts. If you missed it, you missed a remarkable event.
Outdoors in the gardens of the Perth
Manor Heritage Inn. ALONSO
Ian Doig; SEBASTIAN Robert Del Grande;
PROSPERO Peter Graham; ANTONIO David Bird;
FERDINAND Rick Wood; GONZALO Ken Eccles;
MIRANDA: Teagan Healey; CALIBAN Scott Duncan;
TRINCULO John Vanwingerden; STEPHANO Richard
Pitcher; ARIEL Louise Adolph; Boatswain
Richard Bowen; Master: Greg Walsh; Adrian,
Peter Dixon.
June 15-24,