BarnDoor Productions, Perth's original community theatre

Julie Heney and Raynee Doner

Drinking Alone

A comedy by
Norm Foster
October, 2002

The Company of the Studio Theatre

Directed by Peter Graham
Produced by Frank Roy

A great run and one of our biggest sellers ever. This show really caught the audience's mood and their response was an instant prolonged standing "O" at each performance.  With Juli Heney, Raynee Doner, Ken Eccles, Robert Del Grande.


The company perform the opening number.


Eight to the Bar

A holiday musical by
Stephen Witkin & Joey Miller
December, 2002

The Company of the Studio Theatre

Directed by Janice Jacklin

One of our hardest working casts ever, and a show which continued the new Studio Theatre tradition of the spontaneous prolonged standing "O". Although numbers were hampered by the one weekend run, the show was a hit. Cast: Joe Laxton, Laurie Reesor, Joanna McAuley, Chris Sleeth

Natalie Klymko, Garry Welsh

The Hand that Cradles the Rock
A comedy by
Warren Graves

February 2003

The Company of the Studio Theatre

Directed by David Bird 

We proved once again that good comedy and a little hint of naughty sells. Helped a lot by a terrific cast and a great set, as well as good direction. One of our best sellers ever. Cast: Natalie Klymko, Garry Welsh, Barb Guthrie, Steve Whitaker

Elizabeth Stienberg, Rob Umpherson, Janice Jacklin, Jeremy Dutton

It's A Great Life

An "Air Farce" style
satirical comedy revue

March 2003

The Company of the Studio Theatre

This collaborative semi-improv'd show proved to be a real gut-buster, with some of the biggest laughs we've ever heard. As one reviewer said, "If the Air Farce was this funny, I'd be glued to the CBC every week."


Kathie Reid, Ian Doig

The Good Doctor

A comedy by
Neil Simon
from stories by Anton Chekhov

April 2003

The Company of the Studio Theatre

Directed by Joe Laxton

A very entertaining, very exciting and very different evening at theatre. Unfortunately, in Perth, "different" means that the audience will stay home, and they did. They missed a gorgeous, moving and very funny play.


Todd Stace, Greg Jackson

The Wolf

A melodrama from the archives of Perth’s Marks Brothers Dramatic Company

The Marks Brothers Melodrama

A re-vamped re-mount of our 2000 production, it kicked off our effort to revive the Marks plays in great style.

With lots of music, fine performances, great sets and costumes, and exciting effects, it showed just what kind of entertainment melodrama can be.


Chris Sleeth, Natalie Klymko

Much Ado About Nothing

by William Shakespeare

July 2003

Our 8th Garden Classic

One of our best out-door productions ever! Although weather kept the numbers down, the cast provided a whirlwind of laughs and drama. Absolutely a visual treat from beginning to end, we also had some performances that were simply stunning.

Here's the record: 8 productions; 50 performances;
0 rainouts!


Brant Daniluk, Todd Stace

The Tyranny of Tears

A comedy from the archives of Perth’s Marks Brothers Dramatic Company

August 2003

The Marks Brothers Melodrama

Audiences loved it! What a treat it was to discover this forgotten treasure and put it on our stage.

We compared it to Oscar Wilde prior to opening, and audiences have concurred with us. This was a fine capper to our first summer of Marks Brothers shows.